Home Madonna canceled the concert, her fans were furious

Madonna canceled the concert, her fans were furious

Noelle Thomas
Noelle Thomas
Dec 28, 2019

В прошлое воскресенье Мадонна, известная американская певица и актриса, отменила свое X гастрольное шоу в Майами незадолго до его начала из-за личных проблем. Представители певицы не делали никаких заявлений заранее, а сама она пока не давала никаких объяснений. Поклонники Мадонны возмущены отменой концерта.

Предполагаемая причина этого - проблемы с ее бывшим мужем. Как сообщает DailyMail, на следующий день после концерта Ги Ричи, бывший муж поп-королевы, подал петицию в Верховный суд Манхэттена. В заявлении суда он требует, чтобы их совместные дети проводили с ним Рождество. Оказалось, что у Мадонны и Гая очень сложные отношения, и они часто ссорятся из-за детей.

Мадонна и Гай Ричи в браке

The marriage between the singer and the director was dissolved in 2008, but former loving spouses still solve some issues in the courtroom. The reason for the divorce is not yet known for certain. However, there were rumors in the networks that they had insurmountable disagreements regarding the adoption of another child from Malawi and different views on religion.

Madonna married Guy Ritchie in the Scottish castle of Skibo in 2000. The bride was wearing a white dress in the Gothic style for 35 thousand dollars, which was sewn to order by designer Stella McCartney. The diadem that adorned the singer’s head once belonged to the Princess of Monaco, actress Grace Kelly. The cost of the jewel is 210,000 thousand dollars.

In total, the couple spent 1.5 million dollars on the wedding, and the marriage lasted 8 years, although the lovers were sure that this was for life.

Her fans still demand compensation and are very angry at their idol. After all, some of them flew from different parts of the country to enjoy the voice and look of their beloved star.

Madonna also canceled her three concerts in Boston, previously announced as part of the tour of artist Madame X.

The singer herself informed the public through Instagram that she was experiencing "severe pain" and the doctors urged her to refrain from concerts.

She considers the doctors recommendations as a punishment for herself and is very sorry for the fans. Madonna promises to continue the tour as soon as she rests and gathers strength.

После Бостона у Pop Diva будет четыре спектакля в Филадельфии, а затем в Лондоне и Париже.

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